Wednesday, October 19, 2011


If I could start my own magazine, it would cover real science and science fiction, fantasy and horror, heavy metal music, technology, Westerns, travel, dogs, running, chess, politics, the Middle East and US involvement in the region. Since the only common theme tying these topics together is that they interest me, I don't think my magazine would have much of an audience. While I don't expect this blog to have much of an audience either, I know I'll enjoy writing it. If you happen to stumble upon it because you share some of these interests, I hope you'll enjoy it too. For an explanation of the title, check out the following Wikipedia entry: Cabinet of Curiosities.


  1. I expect to see a discussion of Stephen King appear here in the near future. I look forward to reading your "magazine!"

  2. Thanks! I'm sure Stephen King will show up frequently. Since it's almost Halloween, I decided to take a break from the Dark Tower and read some of his horror novels. I'm close to finishing "Salem's Lot" and next I'll read "The Shining."
